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Remember To Use With "Page Section 100%" Template


This shortcode can be used only with the page template: Page Under Construction.

Image With Rain Effect

	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#14b9d5" color="#fff" size="20" icon="icon-mail"][/link]
	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#434a54" color="#b1bac3" size="20" icon="icon-dribbble"][/link]
	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#434a54" color="#b1bac3" size="20" icon="icon-twitter"][/link]
	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#434a54" color="#b1bac3" size="20" icon="icon-gplus"][/link]
	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#434a54" color="#b1bac3" size="20" icon="icon-instagramm"][/link]
[countdown rainimg="" date="May 26, 2015 20:00:00" days="false"]
		[link title="" link="#"][icon color="#fff" icon="icon-mail"][/link]
		[link title="+39 3491665638" link="#"][icon color="#fff" icon="icon-phone"][/link]

Revolution Slider Background

	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#1bbc9b" color="#fff" size="20" icon="icon-mail"][/link]
	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#434a54" color="#b1bac3" size="20" icon="icon-dribbble"][/link]
	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#434a54" color="#b1bac3" size="20" icon="icon-twitter"][/link]
	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#434a54" color="#b1bac3" size="20" icon="icon-gplus"][/link]
	[link link="#"][icon style="square" bg="#434a54" color="#b1bac3" size="20" icon="icon-instagramm"][/link]
[rev_slider under-construction-video]
[countdown date="May 26, 2015 20:00:00" days="false"]
		[link title="" link="#"][icon color="#fff" icon="icon-mail"][/link]
		[link title="+39 3491665638" link="#"][icon color="#fff" icon="icon-phone"][/link]

Parameters of the shortcode [countdown]

Parameters Description
[countdown date=”” This parameter is required, enter the date in the following format: May 26, 2015 20:00:00
[countdown rainimg=”” Use this parameter if you want a static image as a background with the rain effect. Enter the url of your image
[countdown years=”” This parameter accepts the word “false”. Enter the parameter to prevent the display
[countdown days=”” This parameter accepts the word “false”. Enter the parameter to prevent the display
[countdown hours=”” This parameter accepts the word “false”. Enter the parameter to prevent the display
[countdown minutes=”” This parameter accepts the word “false”. Enter the parameter to prevent the display
[countdown seconds=”” This parameter accepts the word “false”. Enter the parameter to prevent the display


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